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Piano Lesson

Music for Piano:  Intermediate

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Signature Solos, Book 3      â–ª Solo Collection â–ª Alfred 45049 â–ª


Each collection in the Signature Solos series includes all-new piano solos by favorite Alfred composers in a variety of musical styles. Every solo was written for its appealing sound and ability to further the technical and musical growth of the student. 


Titles: Cloud Forests (Cooper), Nocturne (Cooper), Outfoxed! (Skye Garcia), New Day (Goldston), Stomp! (Holmes), Dance of the Gypsies (Mier), Mystery of the Black Diamond (Rossi), Looking Through the Mist (Vandall), Jazz Riff (Bober).


Around the World on 88 Keys, Book 1   â–ª Solo Collection â–ª Alfred 24433 â–ª


Piano students can enhance their musical imaginations by exploring new sounds through new places. Book 1 contains original piano solos that embrace the musicality, colors and rhythms of seven different destinations.  Each piece is preceded by two pages of information that includes practice suggestions, tips for realizing the mood of the piece, and interesting sightseeing facts.


Titles: The Rocky Mountains, The Blue Mosque (Istanbul), Kingston, Kyoto, the Chesapeake Bay, Buenos Aires, and the Canary Islands.


Clash of the Sabers      â–ª Solo Sheet â–ª Alfred 42402 â–ª


Clash of the Sabers recreates the drama of a sword fight in this bold solo. The eighth notes in many different positions on the keyboard imitate the quick footwork, and the open fifths in the bass simulate the clash of sabers when the opponents get close to each other. Dynamic contrasts and varied articulations help create the drama necessary to maintain excitement!


Odyssey        â–ª Solo Collection â–ª Carl Fischer PL1013 â–ª


​Odyssey is a varied and musically sophisticated collection of nine pieces that will engage the musical imagination of early-intermediate players. This collection explores a variety of styles and forms including impressionistic sounds, the blues, and pieces with a contemporary flavor.


Titles: The Road Home, The Guitarist, Starry Night, Raga, A Morning Walk, Nightmare, A Blue Groove, Nightawks, and Leaves in the Wind.


Solo Adventure! Book 2      â–ª Solo Collection â–ª Carl Fischer PL1019 â–ª


​​The pieces in this collection are slightly more involved than in Book 1, with more eighth-note motion, chromatic harmony, and a generally greater level of musical sophistication. Each piece paints a picture (Blast Off!, New Moon, Parade) or introduces a familiar piano genre (Ballade, Reverie).


Titles: Ballade, Blast Off!, Butterfly, Cross Current, New Moon, Parade, and Reverie.


Storm Chaser      â–ª Solo Sheet â–ª Alfred 40636 â–ª


A storm is approaching! Storm Chaser is an intermediate solo that captures the thrill of chasing an enormous tornado across your piano keys. In the key of D minor, this rushing piece swirls between a hailstorm of dynamics, articulations, and chords that makes students feel like they are a part of an action movie! These elements provide a challenge but also a great performance opportunity for thrill-seeking pianists!


Around the World on 88 Keys, Book 2    â–ª Solo Collection â–ª Alfred 24434â–ª


Piano students can enhance their musical imaginations by exploring new sounds through new places with original piano solos that embrace the musicality, colors and rhythms of seven different destinations. Each piece is preceded by two pages of information that includes practice suggestions, tips for realizing the mood of the piece, and interesting sightseeing facts.


Titles: Grand Canyon*, Plaza de Toros* in Seville, Barabar Caves in India, Orinoco River, Lake Geneva, Red Square in Moscow, and the Northern Lights in Norway.


*Selected for the Federation Festivals list 2011-2013 and the Music Teachers’ Association of California.


Six Lyric Pieces      â–ª Solo Collection â–ª Carl Fischer PL1012â–ª


This collection of six character pieces has titles and forms borrowed from the repertoire. In a contemporary and accessible idiom, the sophisticated sounds will appeal to intermediate-level students. Titles: Prelude, Etude, Nocturne, Song without Words, Barcarole, and Toccata.


Chasing the Wind   â–ª Solo Sheet â–ª Alfred 46269â–ª


An energetic solo in D minor, this early intermediate piece requires students to quickly move to different registers of the piano. The melody of the A section is supported by staccato intervals in the left hand. The B section provides contrast with its legato melody, accompaniment consisting of open fifths, and use of syncopated pedal.

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